Quarterly News Letter 3 - 2022

It is always a wonderful thing to have something good to say about anything than to have complains. Good things makes you say thanks.
Indeed, in this quarter we have so many things to be grateful for. There may be disappointments but these presses us to be hopeful.
Join us as we share to you the third quarter at our Home!
Yes, Resources for the Blind Inc is an organization where our founder basically had the opportunity to explore the vast opportunities for the blind. Here having a trip with eight of the visionistas to that office made them very excited too.
In this trip opportunities for the visionistas are opened. In August 1-12, 2022, three of the high school students of the Home joined the “Computer Eyes” a yearly training of Resources for the Blind. Using computers is a very necessary skills for our visionistas to learn. Thanks to RBI our partner in molding and preparing our young adults. While almost the same time then, our children visionistas with some of the parents joined the Braille and Abacus training. Five of them with two guardians. It is not only the children who got the skill in Braille and abacus but also the two parents. They enjoyed learning with the children and opt to practice the skills learned to help their schooling children. Marife also is attending the Licensure Examination Review sessions with RBI also though online she can participate and is learning a lot in preparation for the examination.
Visionistas are back to School
We have five pupils enrolled this year at Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School. While another three low vision also has just started this school year. Taguig Integrated School, Since 2016 blind and low vision of Future Vision Home the students of Future Vision Home experience to be included in High school. This is the most accessible
secondary school for us.
This school year 2022-2023, six of our visionistas enrolled in this school. Upon enrolment, they have to go through a reading assessment in front of the Grade Leader (A Teacher). The teacher said how can they read since they are blind? They open the book embossed in Braille and read aloud in front of the Teacher.
The Sad Part is that four of our Visionistas were not able to go to our desired and accessible Senior High School and a University because of lack of knowledge of those people behind it. But anyway, we pray that their eyes will be open enough to see and understand that they cannot stay long time discriminating persons with disability particularly the blind in their schools.
The Blind Can
Karl Ian is a partially sighted pupil of Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School. He is the only one who is in his brown rubber shoes. We are very grateful that he is allowed to join the camping for three days. Upon returning Home he is very excited to tell about his experiences. Couldn’t wait to join the next Camping Activity.
Brigada Eskwela 2022
The Persons with Disability (PWDA (of Bambang headed by its Vice President joined the Bragada Eskwela in the public Elementary School where the Visionistas are attending and the PWDA extended their labor of love to our Home. They cleaned and arranged our small yet cozy Future Vision Home!
White Cane Safety Day Celebration. Thanks to Save the Children Philippines and the European Union.

The mayor also graced the activity and promised for INCLUSION!
Thanks to Save the Children and the support of European Union.
New Hope New Life, Imaginative Vision Without Sight

As always, we would like to say thanks to the following for the great support. As you can see without all of you being with us, we will not reach to where we are now, and we cannot
impact the lives of our fellows. Thank you very much!
- Kanthari Foundation Switzerland
- Resources for the Blind RBI
- Save the Children Philippines w/ European Union
- Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School
- Persons with Different Abilities (PWDA) of Bambang
We are truly blessed to have all of you with us!
Our Plans, Dreams and Needs!
Our plan is to go ahead and continue creating vision. We would like to reach more blind in our community. We are hoping to have paid staff so we can do more things and reach more.
Every day we need an amount of 3,000 for our daily operation this include food and other expenses. We are also in need of more fund to reach more blind and partially sighted here in our community as well as in other places.
If you are moved and you want to be a part of the work, we do in creating vision to our sightless brothers and sisters, but you just don’t have the time, you can still be a part of us by sharing or contributing any amount. Your contribution will go a long way in achieving our mission of creating vision to impact change in the lives of our fellows.
We encourage everyone to be part of our cause in any way possible. Please see the details below.
For donations/contributions, please click this link: https://secure.givinghero.app/future-vision
For other online transactions, you may send through our GCASH, Paymaya and PayPal Accounts:
- GCash Account: 09423769646
- Paymaya Account: 09369253124
- PayPal Account: 09423769646
For bank transfers, you can send to the following accounts:
- Name of bank: Metrobank
- Branch: Taguig Puregold Branch
- Account number: 381-3-38158824-7
- Address of bank: Metrobank Taguig Commercial Units 7 – 10 Puregold
- Taguig Gen. A. Luna corner Col. P. Cruz St., Tuktukan, Taguig City
- Telephone number of Bank: +632-6435023
Dedicated Bank Account:
- Name of bank: Banco De Oro(BDO)
- Branch: Levi Mariano Branch
- Account name: Lorena J. Acula
- Account number, 008070019536
- Address of bank: BDO 160 Levi Mariano Avenue
- Barangay Usuzan, Taguig City
- 1637 Philippines
- Telephone number of Bank: +632-6407862
For more information, please contact us at:
Tel. No. (+632) 8-567-8123
Mobile: 0942-376-9646 / 0906-267-3714
Or visit
Again, thank you for being with us and for being our partner in creating vision, thus impact change in the lives of our blind brothers and Sisters.
Requesting you all to please share this newsletter to your circle of friends and perhaps to companies whose mission is to help support our cause.
God bless us all!