Quarterly News Letter 2 - 2023

Visionful Greetings!
Welcome to our second quarterly newsletter.
Regional Para Games - GOALBALL
April 15, 2023
After several weeks of practice in preparation for the regional Para Game. Some of our Visionistas represent the Taguig-Pateros Division. Held in Rizal Elementary School, Pasay City, last April 15, 2023. for goal ball team they are compose of Karl Ian Pindug a grade 4 student, Darwin Pakong a grade 6 student at Eusebio C. Santos Elementary school, and Kizhel Ann Pindug grade 7 student and Jessica Trinidad grade 8 student at Taguig Integrated School. The placed Second competing with Philippine National School for the Blind.
Regional Paragames - ATHLETICS
April 27, 2023

For the Athletics, Rejay Vincent F. Maranan Grade 4, Nesselynn B. Par Grade 3 students of Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School, and Safiya G. Mundus Grade 11 student at Pateros Technological College. It paid all their hardwork for the preparation because they all bring home a silver medal for winning 2nd place for Athletics.
Mary Queen O, of KGS Company, Visits Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School
April 26, 2023
Mary Queen O of KGS company visited Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School to present products for the Blind. The principal happily received the visitor and the students of of the school as well as representatives from Future Vision headed by Ms. Josephine was excited to see and try to manipulate the BRAILLE DISPLAY and the PRINTER LABELER
ACT-Leadership Training for Children
May 6-7, 2023
This Activity is sponsored by Save the Children Philippines. Our Participant in this empowering activity is non other than Rejay. He is a boy with total blindness but very active and energetic.

Visionistas @ Kidzooona SM San Lazaro
May 13, 2023
It’s very nice to be a kid. No problems, no worries, all you need is to eat and play.
We experienced to be a kid once again for a day, Last May 13, 2023, Visionistas went to Kidzooona at SM San Lazaro, sponsored by Missionaries of Charity.
We enjoy being a kid again, there we just play, play and play. We try everything and we play all around. That day was fun, and we really enjoyed being a kid again just for a day.
WIPRO and Resources for the Blind RBI-Donates Reading Materials in Braille
May 16 , 2023
The program is held at Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School with the Principal open by giving a message. It was followed by a message from Ms. Lorrie Barbosa the representative of Resources for the Blind Inc. RBI and the representative of WIPRO also did not to give inspiring words to our visionistas. It is great to receive Braille and reading materials from RBI and WIPRO
May 30 to June 9 , 2023
A dream come true to one of our Visionistas an incoming grade 11 student of Taguig integrated School named Eshell Rose Duyan to be part of Goalball Philippine team. After a long time of hard work for the training, last May 30, 2023, the goal ball Philippine team flew to Cambodia to participate in the 12th ASIAN Paralympic Games.
They stay there for almost 2 weeks to compete with other countries. Although they did not bring home the victory. It’s a great experience for her to be part of the National Goalball Team, and she’s really working hard again for the next coming games.
And we’re very proud to our Visionistas ESHELL ROSE DUYAN for her achievements.
June 20 , 2023
This quarter is full of achievement by our visionistas not just in sports but also in other field. Our Visionistas JESEL ANNE C. SINONES an incoming grade 11 student of Taguig integrated School, won 2nd place in Braille Reading Competition last June 20, 2023 at Division Office in Paranaque. She compete with several participants in NCR.
The following friends and individuals deserve our heartfelt gratitude, for the support they have given us.
May the Lord continue to richly bless these wonderful people, who shared with us a part of their generous hearts in any way they could.
- Cristy Villanueva
- Ms. Maria Griesbacher
- Brother Geoff Smith
- Persons with Different Abilities (PWDA) of Bambang
- Resources for the Blind
- WIPRO Philippines
- KGS Philippines
- Eusebio C. Santos Elementary School
We are truly blessed to have all of you with us!
Our Plans, Dreams and Needs!
A new and big space for Future Vision Hone is what we are dreaming. Our number is getting bigger and activities cannot contain our presently rented home
We plan to have the following:
- Training for Teachers who are handling learners with Visual impairment.
- Economic Empowerment Through Massage Training (EETMT v) a training for adult blind members to start a livelihood project (Massage Clinic)
- Academic Subject training/enhancement particularly in Mathematics Science Technology and other practical Arts for the Blind.
We need volunteers to help read, transcribe and guide our members in some occasions/activities. Of course, we need your support in whatever way you can.
We ask for your help:
- This is the opportunity for you to be part of our work.
- Contribute to our cause. Let us together create vision and positively impact change in the lives of our sightless brothers and sisters.
We encourage everyone to be part of our cause in any way possible. Please see the details below.
For donations/contributions, please click this link: https://secure.givinghero.app/future-vision
For other online transactions, you may send through our GCASH, Paymaya and PayPal Accounts:
- GCash Account: 09423769646
- Paymaya Account: 09369253124
- PayPal Account: 09423769646
For bank transfers, you can send to the following accounts:
- Name of bank: Metrobank
- Branch: Taguig Puregold Branch
- Account number: 381-3-38158824-7
- Address of bank: Metrobank Taguig Commercial Units 7 – 10 Puregold
- Taguig Gen. A. Luna corner Col. P. Cruz St., Tuktukan, Taguig City
- Telephone number of Bank: +632-6435023
Dedicated Bank Account:
- Name of bank: Banco De Oro(BDO)
- Branch: Levi Mariano Branch
- Account name: Lorena J. Acula
- Account number, 008070019536
- Address of bank: BDO 160 Levi Mariano Avenue
- Barangay Usuzan, Taguig City
- 1637 Philippines
- Telephone number of Bank: +632-6407862
For more information, please contact us at:
Tel. No. (+632) 8-567-8123
Mobile: 0942-376-9646 / 0906-267-3714
Or visit
Again, thank you for being with us and for being our partner in creating vision, thus impact change in the lives of our blind brothers and Sisters.
Requesting you all to please share this newsletter to your circle of friends and perhaps to companies whose mission is to help support our cause.
God bless us all!